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ООО Инвест Проект

OOO Invest Proekt (paraphrased name)

LLC Invest Project (translated name)

119331, Россия, Москва Г., Муниципальный Округ Ломоносовский Вн.Тер.Г., Вернадского Пр-Кт, Д. 29, Этаж 2, Ком. 5А/Офис 76А

119331, Rossija, Moskva G., Municipal′Nyj Okrug Lomonosovskij Vn.Ter.G., Vernadskogo PR-Kt, D. 29, Ètaž 2, Kom. 5A/Ofis 76A (paraphrased address)

119331, Russia, Moscow, Municipal District Lomonosovsky Vn.Ter.G., Vernadsky Prospect, D. 29, Floor 2, Room. 5A/Office 76A (translated address)

INN (Numéro de TVA)
État de Tva actif inactif National Registration Only
End of VAT Registration
2 avril 2023
KYC Check
KYC / PEP / AML request
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Source: Company Register: FTS of Russia (